FAT 32 Disk Files vs NTFS File Duplicates Removal

File systems such as FAT32 and NTFS have been around for a very long time. While FAT32 is an older version, the NTFS is more robust. Whenever you wish to install new Windows, the computer will give you two options, either to create files in FAT32 or NTFS format. Furthermore, the same principle stands for USBs and external storage systems. You always have the option to create and store files in FAT 32 and NTFS format. Since these files are in abundance, it is quite easy for them to clutter your PC through duplicates. Therefore, in this article, we are going to share the basic difference between the two while helping you get rid of duplicates. Let’s begin.

What is FAT32?

File Allocation Table file system or FAT was first created and introduced by Microsoft in 1977. To date, it is the simplest file system supported by Windows. Moreover, it remains as the first file system amongst the other file systems that exist today. With time, they were bound to become advanced and efficient, however, this was not the case with FAT32. As compared to NTFS, FAT32 is neither that robust nor advanced. However, it offers more compatibility with storage devices and other operating systems. FAT32 basically acts as a table of content, informing the computer about where files and directories are stored on a disk. 

In addition to that, FAT is typically used in removable storage devices such as USB, Smart TVs, and digital cameras. The FAT table of allocation is important. If the FAT is damaged, the data present on FAT32 will be damaged. If you intend to use FAT32 files, there are certain limitations you should be aware of.

  • FAT32 only supports files that are of either 4GB in size or 2TB in volume. 
  • It does not support file permissions
  • It is less secure, meaning that is comparatively more vulnerable to corruption

What is NTFS?

In 1993, Microsoft introduced a new file system NTFS. This file system is the most commonly used file system today by Windows. It was introduced to replace FAT32 and it did in terms of reliability, performance, and disk space. However, the biggest disadvantage of using NTFS is its compatibility. Many removable devices including android smartphones do not support NTFS. At the same time, media devices such as printers, media players, and Smart TVs do not support NTFS. 

Duplicate FAT32 and NTFS file detection

Now that we have discussed both file systems in detail, it is time to turn the discussion towards detecting duplicate FAT32 and NTFS files. Since NTFS is the most commonly used file system today, chances of FAT32 files existing on your PC are comparatively lower. However, do not worry, the process remains the same. 

Step 1: Visit ClonesFileChecker

Begin by visiting ClonesFileChecker.com and downloading the program. It is available for both Windows and Mac.

Step 2: Lunch Clones File Checker

Once downloaded, launch Clones File Checker. Clones File Checker allows its users to detect duplicate documents, images, audio and video files etc. Moreover, you could also filter and ignore files based on their size. 

Step 3: Add Drive

Now, click ‘Add’ to add the drive and folder, which consists of duplicate FAT32 and NTFS files. Then, Click ‘Start Search’.

Step 4: Select Duplicates

Clones File Checker will search the drive and display a list of duplicate files. Select duplicate files manually and click ‘Select Duplicates’ to retain files based on modifications and date of creation i.e. the oldest and newest.

Step 5: Delete or Move Duplicates

If you wish to permanently delete files or move them to a different location, click ‘Select Action’. If you select ‘Move to Folder’ Clones File Checker will ask to provide a destination folder to retain the files for later review. 

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Vikas is a technology enthusiast who loves writing articles on computers and technology. He writes on various topics related to software, software reviews, troubleshooting and tips & tricks to make people's digital lives better.