Transfer Evernote files to Google Drive

Evernote is an ideal software that helps take notes regarding important tasks which you intend to perform later. These notes can then be viewed across multiple platforms. However, one area where Evernote kind of falls short is that you cannot transfer notes to Google Drive through an inbuilt feature. But like we always do, we’ve come up with a solution to help you transfer/ export Evernote notes to Google Drive.


Product Spotlight: EASY CLOUD MANAGER (ECM) to transfer files across clouds. ECM uses official cloud APIs and provides amazing options to manage files on cloud. Use it free here:


Unlike exporting Evernote notes to OneDrive, the Google Drive approach doesn’t have many options as there is no official/ unofficial link between Google Drive and Evernote with the exception of “adding images to Evernote from Google Drive” feature. 

  1. Visit the following URL:
  2. Click on Download for PC to download the Google Drive desktop version.
  3. Install it. Now click on the start button and search for Google Drive. Open it from the Search Results.
  4. Now right-click on start button and click File Explorer.
  5. Locate the Google Drive icon from the Quick Access list in File Explorer and click to open it.
  6. Clicking on it will open the folder of Google Drive. Copy the address bar location and save it somewhere. This will come in handy at the very end.
  7. Open Evernote. Locate the Notebooks icon and find the notebook which you wish to save. Right-click it and select Export Notes from the context menu.

    Selecting Export Notes from the Context menu
    Selecting Export Notes from the Context menu
  8. In the Exporting panel, locate Export as a file in ENEX format (.enex) and then click to highlight it. Saving in this format is helpful to open the same file once again without any errors. Even though the rest of the formats are also helpful, they aren’t reliable as much as the .enex format.
  9. Click the Export button to continue exporting.
  10. Finally, paste the copied folder address to the File Name textbox, and then type the notebook’s name followed by the \ sign. Next, click Save to save the file directly into Google Drive. This will trigger Google Drive to sync the file across multiple platforms.
  11. If the exporting process is successful, you will get a message similar to the one in the following screenshot.

    Export successful message
    Export successful message
  12. The exported file can be then seen in Google Drive.

Check out this tutorial to transfer files from Evernote to OneDrive.

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Raza Ali Kazmi works as an editor and technology content writer at Sorcim Technologies (Pvt) Ltd. He loves to pen down articles on a wide array of technology related topics and has also been diligently testing software solutions on Windows & Mac platforms. If you have any question about the content, you can message me or the company's support team.