How to Transfer Photos and Files from OneDrive to Dropbox Easily

Internet usage has seen a phenomenal growth in recent times. Nowadays, people can even be seen accessing the Internet on multiples devices e.g. laptop, tablet, smartphone etc. This results in a large number of important files that need to be maintained in a central location from where they can be easily accessed when required.

The Internet is the only cogent answer to this question as it is accessible almost everywhere in today’s globalized world and even a decent quality Internet connection means people can use it as a medium to transfer files from one location to another. This is how both Dropbox and OneDrive come into the equation. At times, users need to transfer data from one cloud store to another and this is exactly what we’re going to talk about today.


Solution 1: Transfer The Files Remotely

Remote transferring is very handy especially for those users who can’t use an Internet connection that provides them unlimited volume or super high speeds. By default, it’s not possible to use the inbuilt functions of cloud accounts to move files from one account to another. But the good news is that there are certain online services like MultCloud that facilitate users in doing exactly that. So let’s jump into the solution straight away.

  1. Visit the following website:
  2. Sign up for an account.
  3. Activate the account and sign in.
  4. Look for the blue colored window which helps to add several cloud accounts. Click Add Cloud Drives.
  5. Select Dropbox.
  6. Select Add Dropbox Account and allow MultCloud to access your Dropbox account.
  7. Now add your OneDrive account in exactly the same manner as you added your Dropbox account above.
  8. Allow MultCloud to access OneDrive as well.
  9. When both of these cloud accounts show up in the panel, select OneDrive to make it the “active” cloud store.
  10. Select all the files that need to be transferred from OneDrive to Dropbox. Right-click and select the Copy to option.

    Select the "Copy to" option
    Select the “Copy to” option
  11. Specify where these files need to be transferred within Dropbox.
  12. MultCloud will display the overall file transfer progress as per the following screenshot. Be patient and let the file transfer conclude on its own.

    File Transfer Progress
    File Transfer Progress


Solution 2: Transfer The Files Locally and Sync with The Cloud

This method might not be that convenient for everyone, especially if the amount of files to be transferred is very large, and if the bandwidth speed isn’t enough to handle the load. However, this method is best suited to those users who have a super fast Internet connection and their internet plan allows them unlimited data usage.

  1. Install both OneDrive and Dropbox on your computer. Login to both of them.
  2. Open OneDrive and Dropbox and keep both the windows on either half of the screen so as both of them are visible at the same time.
  3. On the OneDrive window, click and hold the files that have to be transferred. Now drag them to the Dropbox window and release them.
  4. Patiently allow Dropbox and OneDrive to complete the file transfer and then sync these changes on the cloud.

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Raza Ali Kazmi works as an editor and technology content writer at Sorcim Technologies (Pvt) Ltd. He loves to pen down articles on a wide array of technology related topics and has also been diligently testing software solutions on Windows & Mac platforms. If you have any question about the content, you can message me or the company's support team.