NFS Mount Windows Process Explained in Easy Steps

NFS is an abbreviation of Network File System. NFS was originally developed by popular Sun Microsystems in the early 80s. It facilitated the simplified remote sharing of files and folders across a corporate network. Throughout the years, Sun Microsystems increased the capabilities, restrictions on file size transfer limits, and in-house mechanisms to protect user’s data and privacy.

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Why do I use NFS Share? What are its benefits?

    • NFS Share has a simple authentication process, unlike other devices. For instance, you can connect to an NFS using an IP Address as part of validation.
    • NFS enables businesses to establish a central management platform for data sharing.
    • NFS enables different departments within an organization to independently log in to any server.
    • NFS is not a recent invention. It’s mature overtime to handle many vulnerabilities, security explosions.
    • When employees in your organization create new files or amend the existing ones, they do not need to manually refresh the window each time. They can see the real-time changes.
    • NSS enables smooth business operations and provides the highest user experience.
  • There are also third-party solutions to protect your NFS from data disasters and other circumstances. Such data backup and recovery solutions can give a major relief to businesses, regardless of their size and industry.


You need a Windows server computer to follow the steps given below:


In order to map an NFS Share, you’ll need to first install the NFS Server. The steps are simple and straightforward.

Step 1: Install the NFS Server

    1. Install NFS Services on the Host Windows Server
    1. Open the Server Manager.
    1. Click on Add Roles and Features.
    1. Click on Next.
    1. Set the Installation Type to Role-based or feature-based installation.
    1. Click on Next.
    1. Choose the option Select a server from the server pool, and then click Next.
    1. Set up your Server Pool by selecting your desired server for NFS mapping.
    1. Click on Next.
    1. On the subsequent page, you’ll be prompted to choose the server role and other settings.
    1. Expand the File and Storage Services > File and iSCSI Services sections.
    1. Select Server for NFS.
  1. Click on Install to begin the installation.

Step 2: Mounting an NFS Share

    1. Right-click on your Start button, and select Windows PowerShell (Admin).
    1. Enter one of the following commands based on your system configurations:
        1. For server operating system:
          • Install-WindowsFeature NFS-Client
      1. For Desktop operating system:
        • Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -FeatureName ServicesForNFS-ClientOnly, ClientForNFS-Infrastructure -Online -NoRestart
  1. Use the command given below to mount the share:
    • mount -o anon X:

In the above command, don’t forget to replace-

1) with the actual server name the NFS is on.

2) share-name with the actual NFS share name

3) X: with the drive letter hosting your files

For Windows 10:

Some time ago, NFS supported only Windows 10 Enterprise edition. Today, Microsoft has integrated support for the Windows 10 edition. 

The following steps work on Windows 10 Pro and Windows 10 Enterprise:

    1. Click on Start, select Settings.
    1. Go to Apps.
    1. Click on the Programs and Features link label on the top right corner.
    1. Select Turn Windows Features On or Off.
    1. Scroll down and check the option named Services for NFS.
    1. Click on OK.
    1. Wait a while until Windows installs the NFS service.
  1. After successful installation, restart your computer.

Provide File Writing Privileges

By default, anonymous users get only read-only privileges when an NFS is installed. You can allocate the required file writing permissions by following the steps given below:

Prerequisites: Your NFS drive must be on the same platform as your Windows computer for the two IP Addresses to match.

    1. Press Windows Key + R to open up the Run dialog.
    1. In the Run dialog, type RegEdit, and press Enter.
    1. It will open the Registry Editor.
    1. Use the left-hand side treeview to locate the following Registry path:
      • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ClientForNFS\CurrentVersion\Default
    1. Click on Edit > New DWORD (32-bit).
    1. Set the DWORD name to AnonymousGid
    1. Set the DWORD value to 0 (zero).
  1. Close Registry Editor and restart your NFS Client.

You can confirm the change by opening Command Prompt and retrieving your UID and GID.

  1. Type Command Prompt in the Search Box.
  2. Open Command Prompt as Administrator.
  3. Type the following command and press Enter:
    • mount -o anon \\\mnt\vms Z:
  • C:\Users\windows&gt;mount -o anon \\<Your IP Address>\mnt\vms Z:
  1. After a successful connection is established, you’ll get a message:

 Z: is now successfully connected to <IP Address>

  1. You can confirm the same by opening File Explorer and checking a new drive letter is added.
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Vikas is a technology enthusiast who loves writing articles on computers and technology. He writes on various topics related to software, software reviews, troubleshooting and tips & tricks to make people's digital lives better.