Clone Files Checker cleans up duplicate files from your computer. It is backed by digital signatures from the competent authority, and is licensed to you under certain terms and conditions contained in the End User License Agreement (EULA). These terms are governed by the principles of ethical behavior, fair usage and good faith.
These conditions are shown to every user right in the beginning of the software installation wizard for a Windows-based computer. The user is required to fully read and acquaint themselves with these terms before they proceed with the installation. If you want to view the End User License Agreement (EULA) for Clone Files Checker (Windows) in detail, please download the setup and launch it, and you will be able to read the entire End User License Agreement (EULA) right in the beginning of the setup wizard.
This section lays out all the terms and conditions under which Clone Files Checker will be licensed to you for the Mac platform. Make sure you have gone through this entire section and perfectly grasped its gist. You are required to adhere to the terms and conditions outlined in this agreement at all times while you’re using Clone Files Checker, a software by Sorcim Technologies (Pvt). Ltd. By downloading the setup file for Clone Files Checker, you are expressly implying that you have read the terms and conditions outlined in this document AND you agree to them without attaching any conditions whatsoever.
Be advised that your rights to use Clone Files Checker will cease immediately if you are involved in any kind of illegal, outlawed or unethical activity that has been prohibited either in this End User License Agreement (EULA) and/or according to all International, National or Local laws that might be applicable.
Clone Files Checker is a duly registered trademark of Sorcim Technologies (Pvt). Ltd. It is licensed to you on the express condition that all the accompanying elements such as logos, coding and fonts are the exclusive property of Sorcim Technologies (Pvt). Ltd, and are being licensed to you on a policy governed by the principles of fair usage.
Sorcim Technologies (Pvt). Ltd has licensed Clone Files Checker to you on the sole condition that you will uphold the highest standards of fair usage, ethical and moral behavior while you’re using Clone Files Checker. The software, herein referred to as Clone Files Checker, must always be in such a condition that replicates its absolute genuine state (the state it exhibited when you downloaded it's setup file). Under no circumstances, you should ever attempt alone, or in collusion with an individual/ individuals, to edit, alter, decompile, disassemble, reconfigure, rework, reconstruct or dismantle even the minutest of the components of Clone Files Checker. The license expressly prohibits you from ever attempting to make use of this software on a commercial scale. Commercial Usage comprises of, but is not limited to, renting out, leasing, licensing or illegally distributing the software via any channel whatsoever.
Sorcim Technologies (Pvt). Ltd expects that you will always uphold the principles of ethical usage, integrity and honesty while using Clone Files Checker. Under no circumstances whatsoever, should you ever attempt to transmit, redistribute or relicense any kind of information related to Clone Files Checker to any third-party at any time in the future. The registration key that is used to activate the license is valid for an unlimited number of times, unless stated otherwise.
Clone Files Checker has been designed by world renowned software publisher, Sorcim Technologies (Pvt). Ltd. One of the guiding principles of Sorcim’s philosophy is that it always adheres to the highest standards of ethical and moral practices in all spheres of its workings. This also means that we will never ever perform any action on your computer unless you’ve been expressly made aware of it. We will never deceive you by installing any adware/ spyware/ or even any of our own software solutions as a ‘bonus’ product, by bundling it with the main software, in this case being Clone Files Checker. The setup file which you will either obtain from the website or from any reputed software downloading platform over the internet will ONLY install the product you asked for.
We do provide updates periodically for all our software programs, and the same holds true for Clone Files Checker. These updates help roll out any improvements and/ or additions that have been brought about into the software program and are disseminated to all existing users of the software program through the update feature. By installing this program, you give your express approval to receiving all such updates/ upgrades from Sorcim Technologies (Pvt). Ltd without any objections whatsoever.
Sorcim Technologies (Pvt). Ltd makes it abundantly clear from the beginning that by choosing to download, install and subsequently use Clone Files Checker, the user absolutely and entirely agrees to abide by all rules, regulations and laws that govern the usage of this software. Rules that might be applicable include, but aren’t limited to US, International, National and Local copyright, patent and intellectual property laws, incitement to and/ or possession of content related to child pornography, advocating child labor, indulging in hate speech against any particular group/ person based on their social, professional or cultural backgrounds and all other activities prohibited and/ or outlawed under International, National and Local laws. You also agree that any images, portrayals or depictions of living personalities or events qualify as conforming to fair use under International, National and Local definitions.
Clone Files Checker has been licensed to you by Sorcim Technologies (Pvt). Ltd exclusively for personal usage only and must not be used to:
The software program, Clone Files Checker in this case, which you’re about to install, is provided on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis by Sorcim Technologies (Pvt). Ltd. We do not make any kind of representation, whether tacit or explicit, with regards to the usage of Clone Files Checker, or to the circumstances that might arise as a result of you using this software. By agreeing to this End User License Agreement (EULA), you expressly agree without attaching any conditions whatsoever that you are opting to use this software on your sole discretion and you take responsibility for any risks that might be posed by using this software program.
Sorcim Technologies (Pvt). Ltd expressly and categorically disclaims any kind of warranties related to the security, reliability and the performance of the services rendered by Clone Files Checker. This disclamation also holds true in its entirety with regards to advice, help, guidance or assistance obtained through the software, Clone Files Checker, itself. Sorcim Technologies (Pvt). Ltd also expressly and absolutely dismisses all kinds of warranties for goods or services obtained either through a Sorcim Technologies (Pvt). Ltd software program or any website that has been developed/ designed either under Sorcim Technologies (Pvt). Ltd’s name or the software program, Clone Files Checker’s name.
Under no circumstances whatsoever, shall Sorcim Technologies (Pvt). Ltd is liable to be held responsible directly or indirectly, in a court of law for events that might arise as a consequence of Clone Files Checker being put to use by the user. Sorcim Technologies (Pvt). Ltd cannot be held liable through litigation or otherwise, for any consequences or eventualities that might be the outcome or result of any operations being performed by Clone Files Checker in this case, on a Mac.
Clone Files Checker, and all other software programs or apps (as applicable) are the duly registered sovereign trademarks of Sorcim Technologies (Pvt). Ltd, and are protected by International, National and Local laws that might be applicable to copyrights. Apple and Mac logos are the exclusively owned and duly registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the US (and other countries).